Fill out a financial assistance form online. It’s one of the ways your Veterans Service Commission is helping you stay safe and supported. The form appears below.
Important information
The applicant (veteran or surviving spouse) for financial assistance must be the one to complete the form below. If the applicant is unable to complete the form below, they should call 513-946-3300 and ask for an application to be mailed to them. Applications found to be completed by someone other than the applicant (veteran or surviving spouse) will not be accepted.
For your security, a representative from Hamilton County Veterans Service Commission will contact you to verify some information before processing your application. Please make sure the phone number you enter in the application is correct. If the Veterans Service Officer can’t reach you at the phone number you provide, then we won’t be able to process your application.
Emergency financial assistance is not an entitlement, nor is it designed to supplement existing income on a long-term basis. The applicant must demonstrate a documented need for assistance.
Each applicant for financial assistance must be:
- A veteran; an active-duty member of the armed forces of the United States; or the spouse, surviving spouse, dependent parent, minor child, or ward of a veteran or active-duty member of the armed forces of the United States.
- A resident of Hamilton County, Ohio, for at least three months.
For more information, see Ohio Revised Code Sec. 5901.08.
Required documentation
The representative from Hamilton County Veterans Service Commission who contacts you to review your application will ask to you provide documentation. Use the following links to download a list of required documentation, a work verification form, and a landlord statement form.
- Download the list of required documentation.
- Download a work verification form.
- Download a landlord statement form.
You must submit all relevant, supporting documentation before we can evaluate and process your application. You can submit your supporting documents by email, FAX, or in person. Please follow the instructions below.
Email the documents, in PDF format only, to Do not email screen shots or photographs of your documents.
You can fax the documents to 513-946-3320.
In person
You can bring the documents to our office at 230 E. 9th Street, Suite 1100, Cincinnati, OH 45202.